To stress that point, some maps have become so difficult to navigate they actually have a fog over them where you can only see immediately around you, and your overview map is useless. Boss fights have become harder, average monsters deal more damage, and maps are a lot larger.

The first thing that has been noticeably changed is the difficulty level. *Note, if you are unfamiliar with the majority of the game, I suggest you read over chapter 1 review, it will give you a brief understanding of the game. Conveniently, the author has made a number of changes in game play to the third chapter, some good, and some bad. And to give you an idea, I am nearly 5 hours into the 3rd chapter (the game play clock carries from one chapter to another), and I have only completed the first main story arc. the second chapter was significantly longer at close to 3 hours of game play available. Well for the first chapter, this wasn't bad. So as long as you manage to finish the chapter before it, your saved file will carry over. These games, eventually there are supposed to be 8 chapters, have save game files that carry over from one to another. It isn't required that you play through either chapter, but rest assured you will be missing out on valuable levels, equipment, and plot detail. If you haven't taken a look at them, you can find reviews here for MARDEK RPG: Chapter 1, and MARDEK RPG: Chapter 2 on this site. MARDEK RPG: Chapter 3 on Kongregate, has to be the single largest flash-based RPG I have ever played. I had to stop playing because it was suddenly 3 AM, and I have class tomorrow.
The third installment of the MARDEK RPG series of games, which is also the current one, is absolutely massive.