Then tuck them away until you need them inside a private encrypted vault. Scan your bank card details with one tap of a button. And receive strong replacements instantly – generated by our special tool. Get notified if you’re using weak or duplicate passwords.
GET STRONGER PASSWORDS WITH OUR PASSWORD GENERATOR Have our technology fill out your credentials to save you from doing it manually. Keep your passwords and private stuff synced and easily accessible across your different mobile devices, PCs, Macs and browsers. SYNC EVERYTHING ACROSS ALL YOUR DEVICES
Plus access everything in double-quick time using Apple Face ID or Apple Touch ID*. Unlock your vault with a master password not even Kaspersky knows. Secure your passwords, addresses, bank card details, private notes and images of important documents in an encrypted vault only you can unlock. KEEP YOUR PERSONAL DATA UNDER LOCK & KEY Having the old version and new version on different devices may cause operating issues.Kaspersky Password Manager securely stores your passwords, addresses, bank card details, private notes and images of confidential documents, like your passport and driver’s license, and syncs them across all your devices – giving you faster access to your online accounts, apps and important information.
Also, Kaspersky Password Manager doesn't store your one password on your devices or in cloud storage.ĭoes everything the Premium version does, but it only allows you to store a maximum total of 15 entries.įor correct operation, please install the latest version of Kaspersky Password Manager free on all your devices. Your data belongs only to you and is accessible only by you. We follow Zero-Knowledge Security, which means neither Kaspersky – as the application developer – nor anybody else, knows a single thing about your data. It answers all your password security fears plus more. Plus we also guard your most confidential documents in a secure data vault – so only you can reach them. Did you know that besides password storage and protection, the app provides you with a password generator? With our password generator, you can generate strong new passwords, add them to your password safe and use them to replace existing passwords that put your password security and online safety at risk. With all your passwords in a password safe and accessible with one password, it’s simple to sign in to your accounts, even those you rarely visit – helping you banish forgot password brain freezes for good.īut the benefits of free Password Manager don’t end there. With free Password Manager, your personal password saver you can save precious and ensure online safety time over and over again. In fact, requesting a password reset after a forgot password moment is a chore we all recognize. GET TO YOUR STUFF VIA YOUR MY KASPERSKY ACCOUNTĪccess and manage passwords and documents from anywhere you can get online and ensure data security. And group items into folders so it’s easy to find things later. Access recently viewed stuff with a single tap. SEARCH AND ORGANIZE YOUR DOCUMENTS THE WAY YOU WANT STORE ALL YOUR IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AND PERSONAL INFORMATIONĪlso scan and secure your passport, driver’s license, medical documents and other sensitive documents and private data, so they’re out of reach to everyone but you. Scan and secure your bank card details with one tap of a button. Use our password generator to get strong passwords and keep your password safe. IMPROVE YOUR DATA SECURITY WITH OUR PASSWORD GENERATOR

Log in to your accounts quickly and easily through Chrome and other browsers to ensure data security and online safety.

SAVE TIME WITH PASSWORD AUTOFILL if you forgot password Keep your passwords safe and private stuff synced and easily accessible across your different mobile devices, PCs, Macs and browsers in our password saver. Plus access everything in double-quick time using the latest fingerprint password technology. Unlock your data vault with one password. Secure your passwords, addresses, bank card details, private notes, images of important documents and other personal information in an encrypted data vault only you can unlock. Kaspersky Password Manager offers secure password storage for your passwords, addresses, bank card details, private notes and images of confidential documents, like your passport and driver’s license, and syncs them across all your devices – giving you faster access to your online accounts, apps and important personal information.